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with-laser-clipped smallDr. Michael A. Uro has been a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine in the Sacramento area for over 30 years. He provides medical diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle problems. Whether you have an injury to your foot or ankle, such as a sprain or fracture, or a problem like bunions, heel pain/spurs, infections, ingrown toenails, corns and calluses, we are here to help you! Read more about us ...


    Toenail Fungus Treatments


    foot-1-smallLatest technology to rid you of your toenail fungus. Over the past two years we've successfully treated thousands of patients with our patented laser technologies!


    About Toenail Fungus (Onychomycosis)                         


    Over 20 million people in the United States alone struggle with onychomycosis, commonly known as toenail fungus. Once fungus gets under a toenail, it is difficult to treat. Read more about our treatments.


    Podiatric Services



    Traditional, Full Service Podiatry Office

    Treatment of:

    Plantar Fascia            Ingrown Toenails

    Bunions                    Hammertoes
    Neuromas                 Corns
    Calluses                   Sprains
    Fractures                 Heel Spurs

    All Things Feet - Learn More . . .




The Superfeet Difference

superfeetSuperfeet's firm, contoured shape provides comfort soft insoles cannot achieve.


Insoles are like mattresses. A good mattress is made of firm, supportive materials. A bad mattress is soft and unsupportive. Same thing with insoles. When you stand on a Superfeet Premium Insole, you can feel the firmly supportive shape and materials. It's not soft and mushy like other brands…because although soft non-supportive insoles feel good when you first put them in your shoes, in the long run your foot problems don't disappear.

Support the Foot. Align the Body.

Wearing soft insoles is like running in the soft, dry sand at the beach. Initially it feels good, but you quickly grow tired, waste energy, and begin to feel the stress on your knees and back. Wearing Superfeet Premium insoles is like running on firmer, wet sand. It's still comfortable, but your feet feel more balanced and stable, and it's certainly more productive and enjoyable from a performance point of view.

superfeet-supportEvery Shoe. Everyday.

Everybody's feet are different, and they wear different types of shoes. That means it is unreasonable to think one model of insole will meet everyone's needs. That's why Superfeet makes different products to fit different foot shapes in different types of footwear. No matter what type of activity or sport you engage in, Superfeet has a product for you - at a price you can afford.







Dr. Uro recommends these products. Click on the logo to find out more:



doctor-comfortdoctor-jills jublia-logo-shadowjublia









Diagnostic Procedures




feet-in-grassX-Rays - A diagnostic test that uses invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of tissues, bones and organs onto film. Used for diagnosing bone conditions or ruling out a bone condition.  

Ultrasound - A technique for imaging internal structures of the body by measuring and recording the reflection of pulsed or continuous high-frequency sound waves. This allows us to see soft tissue such as tendons, nerves, plantar fascia and ligaments.

Vascular Screening for Peripheral Arterial Disease (P.A.D.), or poor circulation - Signs of poor circulation or P.A.D. are; cramping, pain of the legs when at rest, night pain or pain when walking that is relieved by rest but returns when attempting to walk the same distance. This test measures the blood pressures of the great toe, ankle, thigh and arm. It can detect blockages or hardening of the arteries. If disease is present, you will be referred to the appropriate specialist for treatment.


Surgery Alternatives




Orthotics (prescription arch supports) for Plantar Fasciitis, Neuromas, and other conditions-An orthopedic appliance or apparatus used to support, align, prevent or correct deformities or to improve the function of movable parts of the body and to help control the foot mechanics. Used for treatment of plantar fasciitis, neuromas, arch fatigue, knee pain and sometimes low back pain.
Shockwave Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis and Achillies Tendonitis- Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is a noninvasive surgical procedure that uses sound waves to stimulate healing in some physical disorders, including plantar fasciitis. "Extracorporeal” means "outside of the body” and refers to the way the therapy is applied. Because there is no incision, ESWT offers two main advantages over traditional surgical methods: fewer potential complications and a faster return to normal activity. ESWT has been used extensively for several years to treat plantar fasciitis and other disorders. Under local ansthesia, shock waves are directed at your heel to create micro-trauma which will allow your body to send in the cells necessary to heal your chronic condition. Sclerosing Injections -
Sclerosing injections are a mixture of alcohol and local anesthetic and are injected into a neuroma in an attempt to kill the nerve without surgery.

Cortisone Injections - Cortisone is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the cortex of the adrenal glands. It decreases inflammation. Used for treatment of neuromas, plantar fasciitis and other inflammatory conditions.

Maintenance Care (trimming of toe nails, calluses and corns) -Care to maintain the feet to prevent pain with walking and shoe wear. Intended to alleviate pain from corns, callouses or minor ingrown toenails. It may also help prevent ulcers, blisters and infection.

Fracture and Sprain Care (casting etc) - A break in the bone or strain of the muscles and/or tendons of the foot/ankle; generally caused by trauma, twisting, or weakened bone structure due to disease. Casts, braces, and/or crutches .


Office Procedures And Surgeries




Ingrown Nails - A common disorder that occurs when the edge of the toenail grows into the skin of the toe particularly on the big foot-2(great) toe. The corner of the nail curves down into the skin, often due to improper trimming of the nail, or due to shoes that are too tight. This is a very simple procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia. Only a very narrow portion of nail is removed and the root is cauterized with an acid to prevent re-growth.

Wart Removal - A wart is a painful skin growth caused by a viral infection. It can be removed very simply under local anesthesia. The wart is scooped out and cauterized to prevent recurrence.

Diabetic Ulcer Care - An ulcer is an open sore of the skin, often caused, but not exclusively, by an initial abrasion and generally maintained by an inflammation, an infection, and/or medical conditions which impede healing. Usually weekly wound care visits to scrape the dead tissue away to allow for growth of new healthy tissue.

Laceration Repair - A cut, tear, or ragged opening in the skin caused by an injury or trauma. Sometimes deep cuts can be sutured (sewn) in the office under local anesthesia.






We Want To Hear From You!

Phone:  (916) 920-0371 - Podiatry

Phone:  (916) 920-9292 - Laser Center

Email us:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or our Easy Information Request Form

ToeLaser Patient Testimonials!

feet-car"I tried the stuff you paint on every day. It was expensive and didn't work. I risked taking two rounds of potentially toxic prescription pills, but the fungus didn't go away. I was ready to give up but decided to try this laser. Dr. Uro cured my toenail fungus with just one treatment! I am so happy with my feet now. Thank you! "
Barbara C.

read more from satisfied patients


